Henry the 8th i am

I'm part golden retriever, part lab. I like to sleep, eat and play in the back yard. This blog is about my daily adventures trying to stay out of trouble.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What's up ladies..

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ahh, the weekend!

I love the weekends. I get to relax most of the week, but on the weekend, I really kick back.

Check out this Heineken commercial with a dog that looks kind of like me!

Alright. Back to lounging.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My Blog

Hi everyone. I figured since my owner has a blog, what the hell, I may as well too. I'll probably include some of this in my bio, but for my first post, I suppose I'll explain me:

I'm part Golden Retriever, part Lab. I was born and raised in Monroe, MI. My parents are black, and so are some of my sisters and brothers (I'm the 8th pup of the liter). I don't see them anymore, but it's no big deal, I've got a new family now, so it's all good.
My dad is Rob. He's a cool guy, pretty mellow like myself. He's been fun to hang out with. I know I was trouble growing up, I liked to chew things, and as I got bigger, I figured out how to get up on the counters. Dad even tried to put hot sauce on the edges of the counter, thinking that would deter me.. HA. Sucker.. I love hot sauce.

I've got it pretty good here. I have two sisters, one is a cat named Ramona, and the other is a Schipperke. She is really bossy, and is a spoiled brat. She gets pretty much anything she wants. I don't really mind, I could beat her ass if I really wanted to, but she's fun to run around the yard with. Daisy's mom has been really good to me too, i can tell she loves me because she's always saying "Henry...Kitchen... Now!"

We found out when I was 2 yrs old that I'm epileptic. Talk about crazy! I kept waking up at the doggie hospital, that was nuts - but I did like the tube they stuck in my leg - constant valuum! After like 1 year, I got a new vet, and he put me on two different kinds of drugs that controls my seizures. The negative side to this is the little pink pills make me fart like a mo-fo!

I have been eating the same dog food since I was born. My dad shaves me a couple times a year, usually once before my birthday which is May 5th (cinco de Mayo!). He gives me mo-hawks, which makes me look bad-ass. I love to ride in the bronco, and camping rules, I especially love the campfires -except not the time that I stuck my tail and foot in the fire.. but that's another story!

Welp - I'm not sure i'll keep this up daily, but I will post the events that happen in my life. So, keep checking back.. I seem to accidently get into trouble on a daily basis, so they'll be some silly stories to come. :)